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Mansfield Area Attractions




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Kingwood Center Gardens
For anyone who appreciates the beauty of nature at its finest, Kingwood Center is certainly a must-see! The gardens are open free of charge most daylight hours seven days a week except a couple of winter holidays. The mansion and greenhouse plant sales area have slightly more restricted hours.

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Ohio Bird Sanctuary
A great place to bring your family, with nature trails that wind through 52 acres of woods and marsh. The visitors center, outdoor theater and entire live birds display area is accessible by a brick walk way. Songbird lovers will enjoy a walk through the aviary where birds will alight on your hand in search of food. The sanctuary is also a bird rehab facility.

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Mansfield Playhouse
The Mansfield Playhouse is a live-theater stage production facility that showcases the talents of Mansfield area actors and actresses. Plays are scheduled year-round for a wonderful alternative to films and other forms of visual entertainment. Family Season Ticket passes are now available.

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The Renaissance Theater
Built in 1928 with seating for 1,400, the beautiful, majestic, and historic Renaissance Theatre is the only large theatre in North Central Ohio and is the premier venue for a wide range of outstanding entertainment, including comedy, country, gospel, family entertainment, theatre organ concerts, The Miss Ohio Scholarship Pageant, and much more. Most importantly, the Renaissance is proud to be the home of the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra and Chorus and the Renaissance Broadway Series. The theater also features the famous WurliTzer Opus 2022 organ, used for many popular recordings and radio shows throughout the 30's & 40's.

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Ohio State Reformatory
The Ohio State Reformatory, closed as a prison in 1990, was transformed into a museum and tour facility, open for public tours during the summer months. The rugged, old castle-like structure has been the setting for several movies, including the blockbuster movie "The Shawshank Redemption", "Tango & Cash", "Air Force One", and "Walter & Harry Go To New York". Being haunted, it has also been featured on Fox's "Scariest Places On Earth", and was also on The Travel Channel's list of "101 Things To Do Before You Die".

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Malabar Farm State Park
Malabar Farm is a working farm that reflects the agricultural tradition of Ohio while focusing on Louis Bromfield's life and philosophies. The 32-room Big House, was built to appear as if it had been added onto over the years. Tours of the mansion, that has been preserved just as Louis left it in 1956, are offered year-round, as are other activities.

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Prairie Peddler Festival
Located on beautiful scenic State Route 97, the Prairie Peddler Festival is held twice yearly. Step back in time and experience the simpler life of a bygone era. Bring the family out for a horse drawn wagon ride through the beautiful Prairietown woods. Ride along the paths where deer roam and wild turkey abound, or join us at the main stage for some great new musical entertainment.

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Mohican Blues Festival
The Mohican Blues Festival has grown and matured into one of the most anticipated events in North Central Ohio. This is an event that everyone enjoys including fans, performers and staff. Some of the greatest Blues gentlemen of our time have graced the stage with legendary performances giving fest fans memories that will last a lifetime. The beautiful hills of the Mohican River Valley offer a rustic and relaxed atmosphere, offering a perfect setting for great musical performances and a lot of fun.

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Mohican State Forest
Visit the Loudonville, Ohio - Mohican area and enjoy our beautiful forests, scenic rivers, and historic sites. From horseback riding, to canoeing down the Mohican River, to primitive camping, to shopping in Amish country, to eating dinner from an open fire, there's something in Mohican country for everyone!
Telephone Numbers For Area Attractions


  Alpaca Meadows 185 Bethel Lane, Mansfied 419-529-8152  

  BibleWalk 500 Tingley Avenue 419-524-0139  

  Carousel Magic! 44 W. Fourth St, Mansfield 419-526-4009  

  Kingwood Center 900 Park Ave W, Mansfield 419-522-0211  

  Malabar Farm State Park 4050 Bromfield Rd. Lucas 419-892-2784  

  Mansfield Art Center 700 Marion Ave., Mansfield 419-756-1700  

  Mansfield Fire Museum 1265 W. Fourth St, Mansfield 419-529-2573  

  Mansfield Memorial Museum 34 Park Ave W, Mansfield 419-525-2491  

  Oak Hill Cottage 310 Springmill St, Mansfield 419-524-1765  

  Ohio Bird Sanctuary 3774 Orweiler Rd, Mansfield 419-884-4295  

  Richland Carrousel Park 75 N. Main St, Mansfield 419-522-4223  

  Richland County Fairgrounds 750 N. Home Rd, Mansfield 419-747-3717  

  Richland County Museum 51 W. Church St, Lexington 419-884-0277  

  The Ohio State Reformatory 100 Reformatory Rd, Mansfield 419-522-2644  

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